
"Bo_zumou" is the world's first sports competition recognized by Master Shigeo Koyo,
the founder of the Japanese bodywork "Touzen," from which it originates. In "Bo_zumou", competitors directly confront each other using sticks, focusing less on visual cues and more on understanding the flow of force to strengthen weaknesses and exploit vulnerabilities. Within its simple rules lies a variety of strategies and profound offensive and defensive techniques, ensuring a safe and enjoyable practice accessible to everyone.

Master Koyo granted permission to formalize this practice as a sport under the name "Bo_zumou" emphasizing its uniqueness and value. With just a single stick,  "Bo_zumou" fosters camaraderie with anyone—truly a pioneering sport in the world. Why not join us in experiencing this together?

Rules of Bo_zumou

Simple and Clear Rules:
Each participant holds one end of a pole. If a player steps out of the designated area, they lose a point.

Benefits of "Bo_zumou"

1)Simple and enjoyable! The rules are easy to understand, making it accessible for people of all ages and genders to participate.

2)Development of foot sole sensitivity: Emphasizing the sensitivity of the foot sole promotes the formation of arches, which is particularly beneficial for the physical and mental growth of children.

3)Strengthening of the core: "Bo_zumou" engages the entire body, making it effective for strengthening the core muscles such as the abdominals, back muscles, and iliopsoas muscles, crucial for maintaining a stable posture.

4)Improvement of balance abilities: Balancing to avoid being pushed out of the ring enhances the sense of balance and understanding of power transmission and flow.

5)Enhancement of mental concentration: Maintaining focus during matches is essential. "Bo_zumou" helps improve concentration and mental fortitude.

6)Fostering sportsmanship: As a competitive sport, "Bo_zumou" cultivates sportsmanship and the spirit of fair play.

Due to these benefits, "Bo_zumou" is not only an entertaining sport but also a training method that contributes to various other sports and martial arts disciplines.

Future of Bo_zumou

There is great potential for the future of "Bo_zumou". One particularly noteworthy aspect is that it can be played even with eyes closed. This allows visually impaired individuals and sighted individuals to compete on an equal footing. Because the sport relies on sensing the opponent's strength rather than vision, it can be enjoyed by a diverse range of participants. We aim to develop it into a sport that everyone can enjoy.

Furthermore, "Bo_zumou" is a new sport that does not yet exist worldwide.
We want to spread it throughout Japan and eventually grow it into a competition that can hold world championships. As a unique sport originating from Japan, we are committed to making it enjoyable for people around the world.

In this way, "Bo_zumou" has the potential to open its doors to all people and grow into a new international sport.

